Published Tuesday, February 28, 2006 by DC Bowe. 

It's been almost 6 months since I used one of my favorite mediums, charcoal. So I felt it was high time to get back into the swing of things. This time, I even had a nice pad of charcoal paper to boot. So I skipped class (shhhhh), headed over to Starbucks, grabbed a venti White Hot Chocolate (delish) and drew a picture that I've been meaning to draw for a while. My Girl. It didn't come out perfect, but I think its damn good.
Published Friday, December 23, 2005 by DC Bowe. 

This was my final project for Illustrator class. It's a Powerbook done in (duh) Adobe Illustrator.
By the way, I'm contemplating a site redesign. Hopefully with more frequent updates as well. I wouldn't hold your breath, though.
Published Wednesday, September 21, 2005 by DC Bowe. 
Golly, it's been a while. And the worst part is that my Drawing class is almost over. On top of that, all I've got next term are Gen Ed classes. >:^P But I'll make the best of it and try to keep drawing when ever I can. And since it's been so long I figured I might as well give you guys 2 for the price of one.

This is just some guy from one of my many drawing books. I liked the use of dramatic lighting in it. It translated well to charcoal.

Ahhh, Bruce. Need I say more. The picture I was working from wasn't the greatest, but I managed to pull off a decent sketch. I think I need to use paper with a better tooth for charcoal though.
Published Saturday, August 13, 2005 by DC Bowe. 

This was a still life I did in class a couple of weeks ago. Again, it's charcoal, but this time instead of in my sketchbook, its on a large newsprint pad. Hence the low quality of the image, I had to take a photo of it, instead of scanning it like I normally do. I thought it came out pretty darned good, if I do say so myself. And of course, frickin' clickin' makes it bigger.
Published Thursday, August 11, 2005 by DC Bowe. 

Here's another charcoal rendering I did. This one was off the top of my head. I had actually drew a similar pose on a Post-it note. I liked how the rough little ball point sketch came out, so I thought I'd take a shot at nicely shaded version. Sure the proportions are greatly exaggerated, but realism of the female figure wasn't what I was going for. Cool shading was. Maybe I'll try a woman with a face and some nipples down the road.